Who watches the Watchmen trailer?

YOU watch the Watchmen trailer!

Right here, if you’d like.

This looks crazy and beautiful.

The comic was every bit of 20 years ahead of its time in 1986, and I’m still not sure we’ve caught up with it yet.

Enjoy, and let me know what you think:

[vodpod id=Groupvideo.1768455&w=425&h=350&fv=id%3D10658091%26rd%3Deyc-off%26ympsc%3D%26postpanelEnable%3D1%26prepanelEnable%3D1%26infopanelEnable%3D1%26carouselEnable%3D0]

(Trailer nabbed from /Film.com)


  1. Boggs says:

    John’s voice throws me off, probably because it was not what I was expecting. I figured his voice would sound different since everything else about him changed.

    Still pumped about this movie though.

  2. Kerstin says:

    Saw it yesterday at Quanutm of Solace…it’s about 12 shades of awesome. And I am admittedly sadly lacking in the knowledge of the Watchmen, I am still looking forward to seeing this film.

  3. Brian says:

    I read the comic just a couple of months ago and I have been eargerly awaiting this movie. The comic kicked ass and I hope the movie lives up to it…which judging from the trailers it appears it will.

  4. John says:

    Kerstin: What did you think of Bond? Daniel Craig rocks. Loved it.

    Brian: I’ve read the comic many times. It’s a bear to get through, but I notice new things every time. Can’t wait for the movie, but I think it’s going to be difficult to fully translate. We’ll see. We should grab Matt and make plans to see it together.

    The Nik: My blog is blessed yet again by your presence. I want to go to Comic Con so bad I can’t stand it. When you and Kelly make it to the east coast, we should have our own comic con. I’m just sayin’. I just sent Kelly a big Superman comic last week. Who’s your favorite hero?

  5. The Nik says:

    Batman. All the way. Ever since I was a tiny, little, wee one. :)

    Even though a small and more intimate CC would be nice, you should STILL go to the *real* Comic Con someday. It will blow your mind. Really.

  6. Kerstin says:

    Loved it. The action was so kick ass. But the story line? Not so much. I sort of felt like the writers noticed there was a lot of ass kickin’ and went “oops…maybe we should have a plot.” Otherwise, it was really great and Daniel Craig is once again my hero of the moment.

  7. John says:

    The Nik: A girl after my own heart. Batman is the best. Followed closely in my book by Superman and Wonder Woman. Good answer. Well done.

    Kerstin: I’ll do a review sometime this weekend. I loved it. I know there wasn’t much story, but since it was mainly about Bond getting revenge, I wasn’t bothered by it. And nobody dishes out revenge like Daniel Craig. In the Bourne movies, Matt Damon is like a machine — when he gets into a fight, the training takes over. With Craig’s Bond, he’s so brutal and ruthless. It’s like, “I know you’re going to kill me, Opponent, so I’m going to kill you first and kill you the worst.” Best Bond ever.

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