Bring me your planes, your trains, your automobiles

You heard the man.

I’m moving.

In about every way a man can move.

First, some background.

Last week, I got a lovely package in the mail.

It was a petition signed by 16,718 of my loyal readers, asking me to please resume blogging.


That’s entirely not true.

But I did get an email from One Reader asking me when I was going to start talking about Batman and girls who play guitar again.

The answer is, “As soon as I can.”

Right now I’m neck deep in boxes of my belongings as I prepare to move to another city in another state. Moving isn’t fun, but the end result will be well worth it. My new apartment building looks like it came straight from the set of Three’s Company in 1977. I love it.

(Come and knock on my door. I’ll be waiting for you.)

So that’s what I’ve been doing. And my computer’s the next thing to be boxed up, so you’ll hear even less out of me, if that’s possible, until I get everything set up and settled in the new place, which should be sometime in early June.

In the meantime, I’ve been working on some top secret writing projects that shall remain top secret until such time that they no longer have to remain top secret.

And I’ve still been cranking out comic book reviews for my good friend Bill Ramey over at Batman on Film.

You can read my recent Detective Comics reviews here and my recent Batman Confidential reviews here, and then you can click here to read my review of Batman #676, which I did this weekend as a favor/fill-in for Bill until he can take over his regular reviews of that particular title with #677 which, coincidentally, comes out this week.

And then!

And then!

I’m going to move the site off of WordPress entirely, for a list of reasons as long as Jeff Goldblum.

You’ll always be able to find me at, which currently points right back to here but will point to the new site once I figure out where to put it, how to make it, and all kinds of other things that I don’t know the first thing about.

But we’ll figure it out.


Time to pull the plug on my computer and put it in a box. I’ve missed you guys this month, and thanks again to all of you who’ve written to check on me.

I’ll still have email at work.


I’ll see you soon.
