Brandon Routh and Christian Bale talk Justice League

There’s an article in Variety saying that married writing duo Kieran and Michele Mulroney have completed their Justice League script for Warner Bros.

So far, their only other writing credit involves being among the six credited writers on Mirrors, a Kiefer Sutherland horror movie that’s due out this year. And Kieran is the brother of Dermot Mulroney, who, contrary to my occasional confusion, is not the same person as Dylan McDermott. (I’d love to know how that meeting went. “Let’s do a Justice League movie! Get me the kid brother of Dermot Mulroney and, if he’s hitched, get the wife involved, too!”)

The Justice League of America, of course, is the super-team of the DC Comics universe featuring Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman and then a revolving door of other names like Green Lantern, The Flash, Green Arrow, Martian Manhunter, etc.

I’m not sure how I feel about this. I think I’d rather see lots of good movies featuring the individual characters, and if one of them just happens to pop up for a few minutes in another’s movie, even better.

And it’s possible that the movie will never even happen anyway.

The most pressing question is whether Warner Bros. would recast it from the ground up and keep it separate — which I think would be the wise thing to do — or include their current Superman and Batman actors, Brandon Routh and Christian Bale.

But what do Routh and Bale have to say about it?

IESB posted this video interview with Routh in which he says he’d definitely be interested in being in it and working with Christian Bale.

Bale’s answer, when asked by IGN, was a bit more ambiguous: “It’s like I was saying to Chris [Nolan] — I’ll probably be doing this in dinner theater somewhere in my 50s, so I won’t knock it. Because who knows where I’ll end up?”

If Justice League actually happens, I think they should keep these guys out of it. I wouldn’t want a Justice League movie interrupting the good thing Bale and Christopher Nolan are doing with Batman, and I don’t want the Superman from Superman Returns ever to appear on film again. (You can read some reasons why right here.)

And despite my problems with Superman Returns, let the record show that I have no problems with Brandon Routh. I think he made an excellent Superman — especially given the unforgivably awful material he was given — and even before the film opened he was already visiting sick children in hospitals. Routh really embraced the responsiblity of the role both on and off camera, and I commend him infinitely for that. I just wish there was a way to get this guy in a better Superman movie that writes off Superman Returns as a bad dream or something.

Anyway, that’s the latest on this project. Done correctly, it could be a lot of fun. In the meantime, I guess we’ll find out when we do.